Thursday, March 27, 2008

Attention Everyone!

Michael Scott: I'd like everybody's attention. Christmas is canceled.
Stanley: You can't cancel a holiday.
Michael Scott: Give it up Stanley and you'll lose New Year's.
Stanley: What's that mean?
Michael Scott: Jim, take New Year's away from Stanley. (check it out!)

Ok so yes, if you read Mr. Jojo's post under Kelly Kapoor....I (um my sister and I) are selling Season 1 and Season 2 THE OFFICE DVDS. originally they were never opened. But that has changed. No Biggie. But yes if you're interested let me know. Jojo has claimed Season 2 so if anyone is interested in Season 1 let me know!


Jess P said...

RVA!!!! Or LOL for those who don't speak the spanish...

Sybil Nelson said...

Why buy the DVD's when you can watch the episodes for free on

Yeah, I know I'm cheap.