Thursday, May 29, 2008

Goodbye Toby!!!!

A whole 2 weeks after the finale and I finally got around to posting something. The finale was AWESOME!! It was the funniest episode all season. Very well written (Yay toby!) I guess that'll be cool that he won't be there anymore and he can dedicate to writing full time. The Kevin being retarted bit was classic!!!

I personally want to see Kelly visit Ryan at the jail in her hottest track suit. they need to dedicate a whole episode to that.

Fave quotes from this episode:

Pam: Oh my goodness, you sound sexy.

Jim: Oh hello, Mutter. Good news. I have married. Tell Vater.

Michael: Just a matter of hours now until His Horribleness has left the building.

Michael: And then I had an awakening. Michael, buy a motorcycle.

Angela: I don’t want your foot money.

Pam: I don’t know why I doubted it. Because I’m so clearly awesome.

Michael: Spoiler alert — I’m going to win.

Michael: He tortured me with his awfulness.

Michael: I believe the department is a breeding ground for monsters.

Michael: Are you real, or are you a Hollygram?

Michael: The two levels being ‘Welcome to Scranton’ and ‘I love you.’

Holly: This is a button.

Holly: Pass curvy metal piece you will.

Michael: My name is Captain Bruisin’.

Michael: Holly is sweet and simple. Like a lady baker.

Michael: I’m pretty sure she’s baked on a professional level.

Michael: Sometimes I don’t know how to react when a girl touches me.

Michael: You cheated on me? When I specifically asked you not to?

Kelly: Can I be your bridesmaid?

Andy: Mr. Andrew Bernard. It’s got a nice ring to it.

Holly: I should go. I gotta buckle him in.

Michael: I am going to be kind of a daddy.

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