So my friend just bought The Office DVD game. So how did I spend my first Sunday in December? Playing the game!! Yeshhhhhh
So Jessica, Deborah, and I played. Pop in the DVD and Toby is your instructor, he guides you around the DVD, lets you know what all the symbols mean, and what the point of the game is, which is, the first player to get to Michael’s office with 20 Schrute bucks wins!!
The only downside was that the DVD was a bit slow to load, which in seeing other bloggers on the Internet, have posted similar concerns.
There are also tasks that all the players have to do. Like the one that popped up for us was to make and envelope addressed to Dunder Mifflin. We all agreed to skip that task, because that would require us to get up and we were all content in just sitting in front of the television.
What I did like about the game was that it included all the characters! And going around the board was fun too.
Oh yeah…and I won. LOL.
Maybe because the week before I had watched all of Season 2. I need my other dvds….so DVDs…if you’re out there…come back!!!!!
We are trying to plan a Office Game night! We need:
- A large space to play in, such as a living room, basement, etc
- A TV with a DVD player attached
- And food, because you know, we get hungry!
Let us know!