Monday, March 31, 2008

Break me off a piece of that Fancy Feast

Name: Andy Bernard

Location: Dunder Mifflin, Scranton Branch

Occupation: Regional Director in charge of sales.

Hobbies: bar, beers, buzzed. Wings, shots, drunk! Waitresses - hot! Football, Cornell-Hofstra, a capella group "Here Comes Treble at Cornell"

Favorite sayings:

I live to frolf.
Beer me.
I really Schruted it.
Oompa loompa, doompadee dawesome, Dwight is now gone, which is totally awesome. Why was he gone, he was such a nice guy. No, he was not, he was a total douche. Doompadee doom.

Game, son!

So Darryl beats Jim at Ping Pong in this episode. and Kelly talks smack not trash like she says: "I don’t talk trash. I talk smack. They’re totally different. Trash talk is all hypothetical, like, “Your momma is so fat, she could eat the Internet.” But smack talk is, happening like, right now. Like, “you’re ugly and I know it for a fact, ’cause I got the evidence. Right there.”

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Attention Everyone!

Michael Scott: I'd like everybody's attention. Christmas is canceled.
Stanley: You can't cancel a holiday.
Michael Scott: Give it up Stanley and you'll lose New Year's.
Stanley: What's that mean?
Michael Scott: Jim, take New Year's away from Stanley. (check it out!)

Ok so yes, if you read Mr. Jojo's post under Kelly Kapoor....I (um my sister and I) are selling Season 1 and Season 2 THE OFFICE DVDS. originally they were never opened. But that has changed. No Biggie. But yes if you're interested let me know. Jojo has claimed Season 2 so if anyone is interested in Season 1 let me know!

Electric City Experience

As many of you know, Aida, Beronica, Deborah and I took a trip to Scranton for the Office Convention held back in October. It was a weekend thing but since we had Special Day Assembly on Saturday we could only go on Sunday. It was a cold, windy day as we headed up there. Beronica drove the entire trip (she's the resident driver on trips, she also drove all the way to Kentucky and back). We had intern passes to the convention that allowed us limited access to certain events which is all we really needed since we were only there for a day. We arrive to Scranton and the town is sleeping. Nothing is going on... so we head to the Steamtown Mall for some coffee (starbucks of course) and check out what's going on and where to go. No one seemed to know what was happening so we go to the location that the local newspaper specified and was confirmed by a concierge at a hotel. We walk a couple of blocks and it was nothing there but empty tents. We walk back a couple blocks and see people in the street selling memorabilia but that's all. I start to wonder if that the majority of the convention was over and there was nothing left for us there. We finally go back to the car, walking more blocks in the cold and windy day and a little dissapointed because we didn't know if this was the end of our trip. But still determined to find someone, we read in the newspaper that there was going to be a writers block at noon. So we hurry to the location and low and behold, the convention was there. I picked up our passes, Bero parked the car and we hurry inside and there is Office merchandise everywhere... Then we were able to go into the writers block. Sooo cool! Those people are hilarious! No wonder they write such a good show and of course my favorite people were there! Ryan and Kelly!

We were able to listen to what they do in the writers room and their stories on how they come up with jokes (B.J. Novak a.k.a. Ryan Howard made up the joke "that's what she said")

Later we went to take a tour around Scranton... not much going on but then went to a trolley museum with the characters clothes from the show like
Michael's Lady Suit:

Fun Run outfit:

and yes, Meredith's Cast:

So even though it seemed like it was going to be a bad day, it turned out to be a great adventure! and we always know that Scranton welcome's us!! Till the next time!


Custom Countdown Clock

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kelly Kapoor Fan

So Kelly Kapoor was not my favorite character until Ryan broke up with her at the end of season 3. Her reaction was priceless!!